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Many shapes & sizes, many possibilities...

Large or Small, Copresco Prints & Binds Them All

What dimensions are best for your book, manual, or publication?

Form Follows Function

Architect Louis Sullivan’s maxim “form follows function” definitely applies. The deciding factor in book size should be determined by its use.

Don’t Be Limited

Unfortunately, many printers (particularly online stores) are only equipped to deal with certain standard sizes.

The old Henry Ford’s cliché “you may choose any color you like as long as it is black” often applies when selecting a size for your printed materials.

There are some good reasons to use standard sizes, most notably economy.

Popular Sizes

Some common sizes are:

  • 5”x 8”
  • 5½”x 8½”
  • 6”x 9”
  • 8½”x 11”

It should be noted that there are no “official” sizes for most items. Those listed above are simply the most commonly used. These sizes are in many cases simply a matter of habit, not intention.

Steve holds two recent Copresco projects: the coffee table book measures 12”x12¼”, while the pocket-sized directory is 4¼”x 5½”.

So why utilize a size that differs from the norm? There are numerous reasons.


Some books and manuals need to fit in a particular space. This might be on a shelf or packaged with other non-print items.

A custom size may be warranted to maximize use of packaging or display space.


Over the course of centuries, books have been produced in every conceivable size.

Publications that are published consistently, such as quarterlies or yearbooks, should match previous editions in size for instant recognition and consistent appearance on a bookshelf.


Many manuals and reference guides are meant to be carried about in the factory, on the road, or in the field. Smaller size formats may be designed to fit in a pocket, a purse, or a glove compartment.


One reason for using standard sizes is to make a product fit in with everything else.

Sometimes the opposite is true: you want your book to stand out from the rest, to stick out of the pile, and to garner attention.


An aging population prefers large print, which may not be practical in ordinary formats.

In other cases, reproductions of old manuscripts might be unreadable if reduced in size to fit standard formats. A good example would be historical books with photos of old newspapers.


An odd size may be intentionally used to limit reproduction. For example, music is often printed on oversized paper to hinder unauthorized scanning and copying.

We’re Here To Help

At Copresco, every project is custommade, so we can probably accommodate the custom size you need. So when you need choices, call the company that understands. Call Copresco.

Hall of Fame

Copresco President Steve Johnson has been inducted into the Ben Franklin Honor Society. This “Nobel Prize of print” recognizes a lifetime of outstanding contributions to the graphic arts.

Steve Johnson holds his Ben Franklin Society plaque and riband honoring many decades of achievements in print and publishing.

Inductees are often those captains of industry in the twilight of their careers. Not so for Steve, as he made clear in his acceptance speech!

“While I’m honored by this recognition for past accomplishments, I have no intention of resting on my laurels and look forward to many more innovations and contributions to the graphic arts industry in decades to come.”